Monday, September 15, 2008

Been a long, lonely lonely lonely time.

Yeah, not a big fan of the Led but it fits here...

So things have been a little busy for us. Heidi is back to school, mentoring another teacher and getting used to a new math curriculum and being away from her "little z" all day. I've been working, selling my childhood on ebay, and taking care of z more since Heidi has had to spend a pretty good deal of time at work getting her class ready and getting the new teacher ready. Last weekend we went to Chicago for one day (pitch black and raining both ways) where it rained steadily all day. My sisters front yard was flooded and so were a lot of the roads. Thankfully the RX300 handles all that like a champ.

We were able to hang with Mom, Sharon, Mitch, Aaron, Luke, Teri, Lynda, Barb and my sister Deb who flew in from LA. We don't get to see her often so that was cool. Not only that but she is my birthday twin. We were born on the same exact day 16 years apart. I've always told her I'm the best sweet sixteen gift anyone can get. I'm the gift that keeps on giving. It was great hanging out and talking, staying up way too late (I crashed out at 3 and I'm pretty sure we kept mom up way too late as well).

Despite the crummy weather we had fun. It's crazy with my family we can have a blast just hanging out with one another. We rarely "do" anything besides eat and hang out but we always have a good time.

GS My brothers back from his big show and things went well, still looking forward to getting some of my own gear, even though I'm not "hardcore".

Here's a little video of z appreciating a cool drink of H20...

And here he shows off... oh and that last part is in reference to Lissa's birthday wishes

And some pics...


Gimme that!

Mom never wants the PDF's to go away...

This thing would fit my giant head if Dad's head wasn't so big.

It was a long day...

The progression of the first day back to school/day care.

Okay, not that I want any gawking, but seriously my wife is hot or very pretty for those whom might find the previous description "offensive". I can only imagine the inappropriate things Michael Scott would say to her. (The Office starts back up on the 25th boo-yaaaa)

He really does love daycare...


Oh yeah, and I just learned that he's doing sign language at daycare but not for us. We need to work on that more at home. Little stinker.