Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Weather outside is Frightful

Well before we get to that I have to show you my boy in all of his standing glory. Of course at seven months he has to do it leaned up against a chair back, but hey he kept himself there. Besides he's cute so no matter what he's doing it's worth showing you pictures.

And some video for fun!

On to the weather. We had some freaky weather happening across our fruited plains these last couple of days. Mom's area was hit with some nasty tornadoes that killed a bunch of people in the south. I talked to her today for any that might be worried and she's just fine. She said the sky turned black and was pretty freaky but her and Tristan just cuddled up while she prayed and assured T-dog all would be well. He fell asleep at six in her arms and was out for the night. To any fool who may have doubted there's just more proof that my Mom RULES!

Alllrightythen, onto what's up here in the Land of Cheese and Beer. We got walloped with a huge snowstorm. Biggest this area has seen in my almost eleven years here. We received a bounty of snow from our Lord averaging around eleven inches in the Madison area. I have photos and video to prove the madness. It took me around an hour to clear the drive WITH my Toro. But the job is done and I should be able to get my car out of the driveway tomorrow. Heidi and Zach stayed home for a snow day together so I took the Lexus to work. Which is good because my car would not have made it.

That's all folks!


Teri said...

HOLY COW! I thought WE had alot of snow! Ours is a mere pittance compared to your yours. Yikes!

That Zach! Standin' up so big and tall. I just want to squeeze him! It amazes me how much he looks like you AND Heidi! But besides the blond hair, you two do NOT look alike. Hmmm.. isn't it cool how God works that? Breezy, he SO has yours and Daddy's hairline! Lucky boy! hee hee

Teri said...

Oh yea, you're are so right when you said our Mom RULES!!!!