Yup, that's Snoop D O Double Geezy fo Sheezy on tha reel yo.
Sorry, I knew a kid who was white as white can be in High School yet knew every word to that song. So today was another one of those terrible days where you have no choice but to inflict pain upon your offspring. Sure every parent has to do it but today was Zach's 2 month check up and he had to get his vaccination shots. Two in one leg and one in another. Heidi went alone since I was working but obviously he didn't like it and although over all he handled it like a champ, he's still been a bit fussy and Heidi was mentally done. Seeing your child in pain no matter how necessary it is, is one of the worst possible things a parent can feel.
We'll have to take him back again for the same shots in a few months so that's something neither one of us are looking forward too.
On a brighter and bigger note our boy is now an astonishing 12.5 pounds!!! When we brought him home he was 6 pounds 13 ounces! Can you imagine doubling your body weight in two months? Yeesh. All of this reminds me though of how amazing God is. His design of a child's development and his incredible sacrifice of his Son. Both things put in greater perspective and gratitude now being a Father myself.
This is him just hours ago laaaiiiid back... with Rupert Brownie Wisniewski watching over him natch.

On to music.
I'm a weirdo when it comes to musical tastes and most who know me know the almost inexplicable range of music that I'm into. Here's what I'm peeping now... some will have an explanation for those quick to judge...
They Might Be Giants: The Else w/bonus disc Cast Your Pod Into The Wind
These guys are awesome. Shane and Rich got me into them back when I was in High School and I've been an addict ever since. They've got 2 kids' albums out already and one on the way (already have some good music to play for Zach). These guys simply cannot be "explained" they just have to be listened to and then listened to again. With every album I purchase from these guys I'm usually not too impressed upon first listening, but after many rotations my appreciation grows and soon after it's another classic in my mind. Weird but true. I've seen these guys probably 5 or 6 times and every show is unique and excellent.
Linkin Park: Minutes To Midnight
I have to admit to having gotten really sick of these guys after their first album. Then they did a remix album, a live album, a remix with Jay Z album... etc. But Eric Schwebach told me to give this one a shot and it won me over. There's some real musical/lyrical growth on this album I did not expect. The only real irritation on this album is the "o-so-typical let's Bash Bush song" Yea we get it, you don't like him... move on already.
Hanson: The Walk
Now this one people are going to think I'm nuts... but trust me. These guys (yea I know the lead singer looks like a girl with stubble) have grown since their MMM Bop days (which is an album I don't own). They've moved away from their major label, started their own and have been writing and recording the music they WANT to make. Previous guest writers and musicians have included the big dude from Blues Traveler playing harmonica, Ed Robertson of Barenaked Ladies, Johnny Lang, etc. I highly recommend their albums Underneath and This Time Around.
Barenaked Ladies: Barenaked Ladies Are Me/Men
This is essentially a double album that was recorded and released over the last couple years. Heidi really got me into this band and the depth of their songwriting despite the "radio hits" they've put out on their last major label albums. Again this is a band that has finally broken away from a major label and is doing things their way. In fact earlier this year Heidi and I went on the first ever Barenaked Ladies cruise. We left out of Ft. Lauderdale went to Turks/Caicos Islands and spent four days on a boat with BNL, Guster, Jason Plumb, Harlan Williams and some other cool peeps as well. I recommend every BNL album.
Harry Connick Jr. Anything the guy does I generally love, highlights include: Star Turtle, To See You, Blue Light Red Light and She.
Black Label Society: I like most everything by BLS... Stronger Than Death, Sonic Brew, Mafia etc. Just outright heavy metal with some ripping solos. For more Zakk Wylde with a more southern rock flair go with Pride And Glory or for a mellow soulful journey check out Book of Shadows
Carloline's Spine/Jimmy Newquist: Anything by these guys owns! Straight up rock and roll with CS or laid back jams with Newquist, either way you CANNOT go wrong. Some of my favorite music right there.
Burden Brothers: Mercy or Buried In Your Black Heart
This is where the former lead singer for the Toadies went along with the former drummer for The Reverend Horton Heat (both bands which are awesome). This is just good ol' down n' dirty rock n' roll. Sure some lyrical stylings are not meant for little ears but I don't play this with the volume low. Great cruisin' music... windows down, wind whippin' good stuff.