It's been a rough January. Between Zach being sick, Heidi and I getting sick (don't eat at Chipotle people), doctors visits, missed work, trying to make up work, clearing the drive of snow every other freakin' day, getting Zach's pictures taken, then sending them to my Mom with what little "free" time I have, getting a message from said Mom scolding me for not sending a note with the pictures (my Mom loves notes) and work being unpleasant, I've about had it.
Not really, I'm an eternal optimist (even with our government) but it does tend to wear on a fella. I'll be leaving tomorrow to have my saint of a brother fix my cars' many woes (brought on by our insane winter and all that, that implies). Trying to get back in time for some time with Heidi and Little Z, hoping there won't be more snow on the driveway needing to be cleared. Although thank the Lord for big favors... that little Toro I've got rocks the Casbah.
Other highlights:
Packers lost, and seriously, on the NEWS, they have therapists telling Packer fans how to deal with their DEPRESSION! Can you imagine that kind of nonsense on the Chicago news after the Bears lost the SuperBowl? You lose a leg, or a relative, or a car? Okay be depressed. Your sports team loses a game? Get over it and yourself.
Went to see I Am Legend on a rare treat of having a night with the wife. BIG MISTAKE. I think it's a great movie but not one for a date night, especially when they are in short supply. Guys, make sure when trying to encourage your wife that you don't take her to a movie that makes her want to jump off a bridge. On a side note it was at the IMAX and we saw the five minute Dark Knight teaser which got me super pumped for that movie and then BAM Ledger is dead. Probably won't take Heidi to see that one.
Our church may be getting a new, more acomdating facility to meet in (YEAH) but we still have to meet at night (not so yeah).
Thass all for now!

Nice pictures. I believe they finished shooting the next Batman, and it looks like Ledger did an amazing job bringing the Joker to life. Yet another talented career cut short...
Yeah, he was done with all of his post production work so the movie is complete but no sequel, obviously and now how do they handle the marketing? The whole thing was based on his twisted visage and worldview? The whole viral marketing thing was his character!
Brian, I can't stand how cute that baby is!!!! I want to just jump through the computer screen and smother him with kisses!!
About Heath unfortunate that somebody so talented was so troubled. I try not to believe everything I read/hear (you know about my last unfortunate mistake), but I think I CAN believe what "they" say about how he got so depressed after him and his fiance broke up and she took the baby back to California..very sad. Can you imagine not seeing Zach for weeks or even a day? Heath needed help and unfortunately didn't get it. Sad.
But the pix of Zach are incredible!!! Please don't be mad at Mom. You know how she craves any news about you and the family and because she is SO great about writing notes, she doesnt understand how everyone else doesnt have time. I talked to her and she ADORES the pix. Forgive my brother. You kind of sounded a little angry there...Can I do anything to help? I love you...T
I wasn't angry at all, I was trying to be funny... guess that didn't work. I love you Mom and I'm not upset.
I'm glad you weren't mad. How could you be when you look at those pix of Zach? I could just DIE he is so cute.
I talked to Mom about the note thing after the Christmas came w/out a note. She just likes the "personalization" of it. She's not upset over it. I guess she was just posing a question. you are funny but sometimes your cleverness goes over my tiny little-brained head. You are incredibly smart and artistic in so many ways. You're much younger but more mature although get you around kids and all bets are off! kisses, Ter
I'm glad you weren't mad. How could you be when you look at those pix of Zach? I could just DIE he is so cute.
I talked to Mom about the note thing after the Christmas came w/out a note. She just likes the "personalization" of it. She's not upset over it. I guess she was just posing a question. you are funny but sometimes your cleverness goes over my tiny little-brained head. You are incredibly smart and artistic in so many ways. You're much younger but more mature although get you around kids and all bets are off! kisses, Ter
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